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[Disroot] - DisNews 24.12 - 冬至快乐









发表于 2024-12-20 23:35:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DisNews 24.12 - 冬至快乐


“从爱好到使命:Disroot 需要你!”

当您的爱好项目对成千上万的人来说变得必不可少时会发生什么?它不再只是一种爱好。今年,我们意识到 Disroot 正处于一个转折点。这个项目已经超出了我们在空闲时间仅靠胶带和决心所能维持的程度。

这就是为什么我们开始每月向 muppeth 提供 1,000 欧元的经济补偿,目标是通过您的捐款逐步增加这一数字,直到我们可以支付 Disroot 的全职工作费用。这是确保项目未来的关键一步。

但挑战在于:我们没有达到今年的财务目标。更糟糕的是,我们无法像以前那样支持我们所依赖的开源项目。虽然自 2020 年以来捐款有所增加,但支持者的数量保持不变。感谢所有忠实的贡献者 — 是你们让我们继续前进!🙏


🎉 奖励:支持我们并索取贴纸,以在现实生活中表达您对 Disroot 的热爱!让我们一起让 Disroot 的未来更加光明。💪

👉 随时分享这篇文章并帮助我们传播这个词!

SupportDisroot #OpenSource #CommunityPower
2025 年见!

原文:[Disroot] - DisNews 24.12 - Happy Solstice
DisNews 24.12 - Happy Solstice
Happy solstice everyone!
We wish you a warm, bright, and happy solstice. Whether it is the longest or the shortest night of the year for you, we hope you make the best out of it and enjoy this astronomical event and celebration of seasonal change.
"From Hobby to Mission: Disroot Needs You!"
What happens when your hobby project becomes essential to thousands of people? It's no longer just a hobby. This year, we've realized Disroot is at a turning point. The project has grown beyond what we can maintain in our free time with duct tape and determination alone.
That's why we've started financially compensating muppeth with €1,000 per month, with the goal of increasing this gradually — through your donations — until we can pay full-time work on Disroot. This is a critical step to securing the project's future.
But here's the challenge: we're falling short of this year's financial target. Even worse, we're unable to support the open-source projects we rely on as much as we used to. While donations have increased since 2020, the number of supporters has stayed the same. To all of you loyal contributors, thank you — you've kept us going! 🙏
However, we need more people to join. Small contributions make a big difference when more people chip in! If you value the services we provide and haven't started supporting yet, now is the time to act. Together, we can sustain a real alternative to big tech services (where you are the product).
🎉 Bonus: Support us and ask for stickers to show your love for Disroot in real life! Let's make the future of Disroot brighter, together. 💪
👉 Feel free to share this post and help us spread the word!
SupportDisroot #OpenSource #CommunityPower
See you in 2025!

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