关于 BitMoney(又称比特币)的真相
My name is Michael Weber, or as I want you to know me, but regardless of that I am an anonymous developer of Vistomail and AnonymousSpeech where 10 years ago, I offered anonymity services to some people who wanted to send warnings to other people catch a cheating spouse, husband or wife, confess your love to somebody, hide your private IP address or ISP info, express your political standpoint anonymously and among other reasons. I have access to Satoshi Nakamoto inbox from around 2008-2011, and I wanted to show the truth about the Bitcoin name.
我的名字是Michael Weber,或者我想让你知道我,但不管我是Vistomail和AnonymousSpeech的匿名开发者,10年前,我为一些人提供匿名服务,他们想向其他人发送警告,抓住欺骗的配偶,丈夫或妻子,向某人坦白你的爱,隐藏你的私人IP地址或ISP信息,匿名表达你的政治立场等原因。我可以访问中本聪在2008年至2011年期间的收件箱,我想展示比特币名称的真相。
Please note that this is a backup from a Vistomail server, 1 decade ago and what I got is not in order and the statuses are not correct, AnonymousSpeech is protected by law, so I do not have access. AnonymousSpeech and Vistomail have been discontinued, but I am here to expose truths, which will not make any difference to what Bitcoin has become, but it is for information. Satoshi clearly got the term from Wei Dai from 'b-money', BitMoney was the real name of Bitcoin. This was never shown on any page and most of the known emails are fakes, Satoshi Nakamoto himself hired me via email to have the email satoshi@vistomail.com and soon after that he deleted most of the emails, so this is what I had as a backup. If you want to know more, check out the thread, visit X @exposedsatoshi.
请注意,这是来自Vistomail服务器的备份,10年前,我得到的没有顺序,状态也不正确,匿名言论受法律保护,所以我没有权限。AnonymousSpeech和Vistomail已经被停用,但我在这里是为了揭露真相,这不会对比特币的发展有任何影响,但这是为了信息。显然,中本聪是从“b-money”魏代那里得到这个词的,比特币是比特币的真实名称。这从来没有显示在任何页面上,大多数已知的电子邮件都是假的,中本聪自己通过电子邮件雇佣了我,以获得satoshi@vistomail.com的电子邮件,不久之后,他删除了大多数电子邮件,所以这是我的备份。如果你想了解更多,请查看帖子,访问X @exposedsatoshi。
