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[riseup] A day in the life of a riseup bird [en de pt es fr it tr el]









发表于 2025-1-29 21:33:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[en] A day in the life of a riseup bird
**Attention: it is essential to read this in some nature narrator

A usual riseup bird's day starts by waking up between 6 and 9am local
time depending on how bad their sleep was and how much insomnia kept
them awake late or woke them up early. Once they get their body out of
bed, most birds will start their day with some coffee to get their brain
up and running so they can avoid messing up servers as much as possible.
(The birds that like fresh juice or tea are fast asleep at this time,
dreaming of a world with no masters.)

The first thing the bird does is check in with other riseup birds that
live in faraway places and are ready to close the glowing magic box for
the evening. Next they visit a special riseup web page with metrics,
alerts and weird computer words or alarming messages such as "vpn host
is down". The bird then has to fly like the wind to find what the
problem is and fix it before anyone realizes. Sometimes, when it takes
too long to resolve, they even remember to update riseupstatus.net so
that other animals can feel assured knowing that the coffee today has
worked and the bird is typing quickly to get the service available

When there's no important issue, the bird will settle in their routine
of responding to help tickets, documenting their work and improving the
infrastructure. It is here where we observe the riseup bird in their
natural habitat. They go into a fierce battle of deciding priorities and
dancing all the dances needed to not get lost in distraction. The best
and really rare days are those when there's nothing urgent at all. The
bird is able to focus on their planned tasks and the only distraction is
the dog that needs to go for a walk. It is during one of those walks on
one of those days that this bird decided to write about riseup days to
all of you.

PS: The dog says donate to riseup if you can -
译文:[zh] 崛起鸟生命中的一天
-------------------------------------------------- --- --
**注意力: 在一些自然叙述者那里读到这个是很重要的

通常的起床日是在当地时间早上 6 点到 9 点之间起床开始的
晚叫醒他们或早叫醒他们。 一旦他们脱离身体

晚上。 接下来,他们访问一个带有指标的特殊 raise 网页,
警报和奇怪的计算机单词或警报消息,例如“VPN 主机
问题是并在任何人意识到之前解决它。 有时,当需要

基础设施。 正是在这里,我们观察到升起的鸟儿
自然栖息地。 他们陷入了一场激烈的战斗,决定优先事项和
跳所有需要的舞蹈,以免分心。 最好的
真正罕见的日子是那些完全没有紧急事情的日子。 这
需要出去散步的狗。 这是在其中一次散步期间

附: 狗说,如果可以的话,请为崛起捐款 -

[en] A day in the life of a riseup bird
**Attention: it is essential to read this in some nature narrator

A usual riseup bird's day starts by waking up between 6 and 9am local
time depending on how bad their sleep was and how much insomnia kept
them awake late or woke them up early. Once they get their body out of
bed, most birds will start their day with some coffee to get their brain
up and running so they can avoid messing up servers as much as possible.
(The birds that like fresh juice or tea are fast asleep at this time,
dreaming of a world with no masters.)

The first thing the bird does is check in with other riseup birds that
live in faraway places and are ready to close the glowing magic box for
the evening. Next they visit a special riseup web page with metrics,
alerts and weird computer words or alarming messages such as "vpn host
is down". The bird then has to fly like the wind to find what the
problem is and fix it before anyone realizes. Sometimes, when it takes
too long to resolve, they even remember to update riseupstatus.net so
that other animals can feel assured knowing that the coffee today has
worked and the bird is typing quickly to get the service available

When there's no important issue, the bird will settle in their routine
of responding to help tickets, documenting their work and improving the
infrastructure. It is here where we observe the riseup bird in their
natural habitat. They go into a fierce battle of deciding priorities and
dancing all the dances needed to not get lost in distraction. The best
and really rare days are those when there's nothing urgent at all. The
bird is able to focus on their planned tasks and the only distraction is
the dog that needs to go for a walk. It is during one of those walks on
one of those days that this bird decided to write about riseup days to
all of you.

PS: The dog says donate to riseup if you can -

[de] Ein Tag im Leben eines riseup-Vogels
**Achtung: Es ist wichtig, dies mit der Stimme eines Naturfilmerzählers
zu lesen**

Der Tag eines gewöhnlichen riseup-Vogels beginnt mit dem Aufwachen
zwischen 6 und 9 Uhr Ortszeit, je nachdem, wie schlecht er geschlafen
hat und wie sehr die Schlaflosigkeit ihn spät wach gehalten oder früh
geweckt hat. Sobald sie es aus dem Bett geschafft haben, beginnen die
meisten Vögel ihren Tag mit einer Tasse Kaffee, um ihr Gehirn auf Trab
zu bringen, sodass sie so gut wie möglich vermeiden können, die
durcheinander zu bringen. (Die Vögel, die gerne frischen Saft oder Tee
trinken, schlafen um diese Zeit und träumen von einer Welt ohne

Als Erstes meldet sich der Vogel bei anderen riseup-Vögeln, die an weit
entfernten Orten leben und bereit sind, den leuchtenden Zauberkasten für
den Abend zu schließen. Als nächstes besuchen sie eine spezielle
riseup-Webseite mit Metriken, Warnungen und seltsamen Computerwörtern
oder alarmierenden Meldungen wie: „VPN-Host ist ausgefallen.“ Der Vogel
muss dann geschwind wie der Wind fliegen, um das Problem zu finden und
es zu beheben, bevor es jemand bemerkt. Manchmal, wenn es zu lange
dauert, bis das Problem gelöst ist, erinnern sie sich sogar daran,
riseupstatus.net zu aktualisieren, damit die anderen Tiere sicher sein
können, dass der Kaffee heute funktioniert hat und der Vogel schnell
tippt, um den Dienst wieder verfügbar zu machen.

Wenn es kein wichtiges Problem gibt, geht der Vogel seiner Routine nach,
indem er auf Hilfeanfragen antwortet, seine Arbeit dokumentiert und die
Infrastruktur verbessert. Hier können wir den aufstrebenden Vogel in
seinem natürlichen Lebensraum beobachten. Sie liefern sich einen
erbitterten Kampf um Prioritäten und tanzen all die Tänze, die nötig
sind, um sich nicht in der Ablenkung zu verlieren. Die besten und
wirklich seltenen Tage sind die, an denen es überhaupt nichts Dringendes
zu tun gibt. Der Vogel kann sich auf seine geplanten Aufgaben
konzentrieren und die einzige Ablenkung ist der Hund, der Gassi gehen
muss. Es war während einem dieser Spaziergänge an einem dieser Tage als
dieser Vogel beschloss, euch allen über riseup-Tage zu schreiben.

PS: Der Hund sagt, spendet für riseup, wenn ihr könnt -

[pt] Um dia na vida de um pássaro do Riseup
**Atenção: é imprescindível ler isso com uma voz de narrador de

O dia de um típico pássaro do Riseup começa quando acorda entre as 6 e 9
horas da manhã, horário local, dependendo de quão bem tenha dormido ou
da insônia, se o manteve acordado até tarde ou tenha lhe despertado
cedo. Uma vez que tenha se levantado, a maioria dos pássaros começam o
dia com um pouco de café para ligar o cérebro e assim, na medida do
possível, evitar estropiar os servidores. (Aqueles que gostam de suco
natural ou chá estão dormindo profundamente a essa hora, sonhando com um
mundo sem patrões.)

A primeira coisa que o pássaro faz é entrar em contato com outros
pássaros do Riseup que vivem em lugares distantes e estão prontos para
ir dormir. Depois, visitam uma página web especial do Riseup contendo
métricas, alertas e palavras esquisitas de programação ou mensagens
alarmantes como "o host VPN caiu". O pássaro precisa, então, voar rápido
como o vento para encontrar qual é o problema e solucioná-lo antes que
alguém se dê conta. Às vezes, quando demora muito, até se lembra de
atualizar a página riseupstatus.net para que os demais animais se sintam
tranquilos sabendo que o café de hoje funcionou e que o pássaro está
teclando rapidamente para que o serviço volte a estar disponível.

Quando não há nenhum problema importante, a ave entra na sua rotina de
responder a pedidos de ajuda, documentar o seu trabalho e melhorar a
infraestrutura. É aqui que observamos a ave do Riseup no seu habitat
natural. Ela entra numa batalha feroz para decidir prioridades e dançar
todas as danças necessárias para não se perder em distrações. Os
melhores e realmente raros dias são aqueles em que não há nada de
urgente. O pássaro é capaz de se concentrar nas tarefas planejadas e a
única distração é levar o cachorro para passear. Foi durante um desses
passeios, num desses dias, que este pássaro decidiu escrever para todas
vocês sobre como são os dias no Riseup.

PS: O cachorro diz para fazerem um donativo para o Riseup se puderem -

[es] Un día en la vida de un pájaro de RiseUp
**Atención: es imprescindible leer esto con voz de persona narrando la

Un día típico en la vida de un pájaro de RiseUP comienza despertándose
entre las 6 y las 9 de la mañana, hora local, dependiendo de lo mal que
haya dormido y de si el insomnio le ha mantenido despiertx hasta tarde o
le ha despertado temprano. Una vez que sacan su cuerpo de la cama, la
mayoría de ellxs empiezan el día con un poco de café para poner 。


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